Hi, I'm Layla Martin, founder of the VITA™ Method.

The Magnetic Energy Training

Join me for this exclusive podcast, only available for a limited time!

Hi, I'm Layla Martin

Women’s Health Magazine calls me “The Headmistress of Pleasure” and Cosmopolitan calls me a “Sexpert Extraordinaire,” but I am also a Tantric, mystic goofball, hardcore science nerd at heart and the host of This Tantric Life, a top 10 Spotify podcast.

I studied sexuality and human biology at Stanford University and have been dedicated to the deep study of Tantra for over 20 years, having trained with some of the world's top Tantra teachers deep in the jungles of Asia.

Over the last 16+ years, I’ve worked with over 15,000 paying clients around the world and have had over 150 million views of my work on YouTube, where I’ve shared hundreds of the most powerful teachings on Tantra, spirituality and pleasure.

Now, I’m here to share those learnings with you and show you how to upgrade your life by integrating things like numbness, fear, shame or guilt… transforming them into bliss, connection and the deepest levels of pleasure and love.

Layla Martin as featured in:

If you're ready to overcome the endless chase of modern life and unleash your most magnetic energy...

© Copyright  – Truth and Love Coaching International 2024


Use Pleasure to Activate Your Dream Life

During this free, exclusive 30-minute podcast not available anywhere else, you’ll unlock… 

  • How to trade doomscrolling and to-do lists for deep awakening

  • The key to unleashing the power of your pleasure

  • Ways to upgrade your relationship to your body and energy


Discover how to use pleasure and sensuality to magnetize your deepest desires


Sign up now for instant access!

The Magnetic Energy Training

Use Pleasure to Activate Your Dream Life


If you're ready to overcome the endless chase of modern life and unleash your most magnetic energy...

Join me for this exclusive podcast, only available for a limited time!

Sign up now for instant access!


Hi, I'm Layla Martin

Women’s Health Magazine calls me “The Headmistress of Pleasure” and Cosmopolitan calls me a “Sexpert Extraordinaire,” but I am also a Tantric, mystic goofball, hardcore science nerd at heart and the host of This Tantric Life, a top 10 Spotify podcast.

I studied sexuality and human biology at Stanford University and have been dedicated to the deep study of Tantra for over 20 years, having trained with some of the world's top Tantra teachers deep in the jungles of Asia.

Over the last 16+ years, I’ve worked with over 15,000 paying clients around the world and have had over 150 million views of my work on YouTube, where I’ve shared hundreds of the most powerful teachings on Tantra, spirituality and pleasure.

Now, I’m here to share those learnings with you and show you how to upgrade your life by integrating things like numbness, fear, shame or guilt… transforming them into bliss, connection and the deepest levels of pleasure and love.

Layla Martin as featured in:

Discover how to use pleasure and sensuality to magnetize your deepest desires


Join me for for this powerful 30-minute conversation with Somatic Embodiment Coach Marina Nabão to discover...

During this free, exclusive 30-minute podcast not available anywhere else, you’ll unlock… 

  • How to trade doomscrolling and to-do lists for deep awakening

  • The key to unleashing the power of your pleasure

  • Ways to upgrade your relationship to your body and energy

Hi, I'm Layla Martin, founder of the VITA™ Method.

Join me for for this powerful 30-minute conversation with Somatic Embodiment Coach Marina Nabão to discover...

Secret teachings to unlock your magnetism

Why "chasing" dreams is less effective than attracting

Ways to trade hustle culture for deep fulfillment

How to harness the power of sensuality

Techniques to shift from exhausted to radiant

Secret teachings to unlock your magnetism

Why "chasing" dreams is less effective than attracting

Ways to trade hustle culture for deep fulfillment

How to harness the power of sensuality

Techniques to shift from exhausted to radiant


“For me, taking the Obliss Course has changed how I relate to myself and my life. I would definitely encourage EVERY woman to do this course.” - Jane

“For me, taking the Obliss Course has changed how I relate to myself and my life. I would definitely encourage EVERY woman to do this course.” - Jane